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About Instant Survey Upgrades in VVD
About Instant Survey Upgrades in VVD
Molly McDermott avatar
Written by Molly McDermott
Updated over a month ago

Numerator Instant Survey is a versatile tool designed to meet your unique research needs. There are many programming customizations available directly in the platform while some require communication with our team to initiate/execute/enable outside of the platform. You can learn more about the different customizations and upgrades available below.

No Charge Customizations

Additional Cost Customizations

Some customizations require programming logic upgrades and/or other additional resources in order for us to be able to execute. Additionally, we offer other upgrades to support with the questionnaire writing process and review of data results. Learn more about the additional cost customizations below.

Fixed Cost Customizations

A one-time cost of 0.5 survey credits per Instant Survey

Variable Cost Customizations

Click on each option to learn more

No Charge Customizations

Add Images in Questions (return to top)

Write Custom Questions (return to top)

Randomize Question Options (return to top)

Basic Disqualify Logic (return to top)

  • Description: Use Disqualify If to create a screener question and remove panelists in the first or second question of the survey.

  • Show me How: Please Visit Instant Surveys: Questionnaire Logic

Basic Skip Logic (return to top)

Leverage Variables in Questions (return to top)

  • Description: Use variables to pipe in specific details from their shopping trip to help with panelist recall.

  • Show me How: Please visit About Variables in Instant Survey

Question Order Randomization (return to top)

  • Description: Randomize questions within a single block.

  • How to Request: Send a note to when programming is complete, but before hitting ‘Launch’ (save the Instant Survey as a draft in the platform).

Question Block Randomization (return to top)

  • Description: Randomize blocks of questions within an Instant Survey.

  • How to Request: Send a note to when programming is complete, but before hitting ‘Launch’ (save the Instant Survey as a draft in the platform).

Introductory/Transitional Pages (return to top)

  • Description: Typically, each survey question is presented to respondents on a single "page". However, pages can be added without a question to give the respondents instructions, a preview of the upcoming subject matter, or a stimulus to review.

  • How to Request: Send a note to when programming is complete, but before hitting ‘Launch’ (save the Instant Survey as a draft in the platform).

Advanced Disqualify Logic (Terminate beyond Question 2) (return to top)

  • Description: In general, Numerator minimizes terminating a panelist beyond Q2 to ensure a positive panelist experience. However, terminating a panelist beyond the second question is permitted in some circumstances.
    Note: the Numerator Instant Survey team will need to evaluate and approve this request.

  • How to Request: Reach out to to discuss feasibility.

Limit Number of Responses in a Multi-Select Question (return to top)

  • Description: Allow a respondent to select up to OR less than a specified number of responses in a multi-select question. For example, "Select up to 5 options".

  • How to Request: Simply add the directive to the survey question (e.g. Which of the following ice cream flavors do you like the most? Select up to five.), AND/OR send a note to

Force Number of Responses in a Multi-Select Question (return to top)

  • Description: Require a respondent to select a specified number of responses in a multi-select question. For example, "Select 5 options".

  • How to Request: Simply add the directive to the survey question (e.g. Which of the following ice cream flavors do you most prefer? Select five.), AND/OR send a note to

Pipe a Single-Select Response into a Subsequent Response List (return to top)

  • Description: Have a single select response used in the text of a subsequent question.

  • How to Request: Write the survey question using [brackets] to indicate the piped element (e.g. Why did you say [flavor selected in Q3] is your favorite?).

Pipe Multi-Select Responses into a Subsequent Response List (return to top)

  • Description: Have a set of responses selected from one question used as the full list of potential responses in a subsequent question.

  • How to Request: When writing the survey question, enter piping directions into response place number 1 (e.g. [Pipe responses selected in Q3].

Fixed Cost Customizations

Grid/Matrix Question (return to top)

  • Description: Have a fixed set of response options presented multiple times for a question that has a series of conditions. Note: Grid/Matrix questions are limited to 4 conditions (rows). Grids with more than 4 rows may be counted as more than one survey question.

  • How to Request: When writing the survey question, choose a multi-select question type. Then, enter BOTH the rows and columns into the response options (e.g. "Chocolate", "Vanilla", "Strawberry", Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat Disagree, Strongly Disagree).

  • Accessing Survey Results: Reporting of results for this customization is not currently supported by the Instant Survey platform at this time. Therefore, an alternate reporting dashboard will be emailed to you to supplement reporting.

Rank Question (return to top)

  • Description: Require a respondent to choose a predefined number of responses in a specific order (typically in order of preference). Note: Rank exercises should be limited in both the number of options presented and the number chosen to avoid respondent fatigue/confusion.

  • How to Request: When writing the survey question, choose a multi-select question type. Then, simply include the directive in the survey question (e.g. Please rank your top 3 ice cream flavors in order of preference where 1 represents the flavor you like the most.) AND/OR send a note to

  • Accessing Survey Results: Reporting of results for this customization is not currently supported by the Instant Survey platform at this time. Therefore, an alternate reporting dashboard will be emailed to you to supplement reporting.

Numeric Entry Question (return to top)

  • Description: Require a respondent to enter a numeric value as a response.

  • How to Request: When writing the survey question, choose an open end question type. Then, include the corresponding directive in the question. For example, "Please enter the number of times you order pizza delivery during an average month (Enter a whole number).

  • Accessing Survey Results: Reporting of results for this customization is not currently supported by the Instant Survey platform at this time. Therefore, an alternate reporting dashboard will be emailed to you to supplement reporting.

Advanced Skip Logic (return to top)

  • Description: The Platform currently enables question SKIP logic based on previous question responses, but a programming upgrade is needed for all other types of SKIP logic

  • How to Request: Send a note to when programming is complete, but before hitting ‘Launch’ (save the Instant Survey as a draft in the platform).

Response Hide Logic (return to top)

  • Description: Hide a subset of response options based on previous question responses, quota groups, or other sample variable.

  • How to Request: Reach out to to discuss feasibility.

Variable Cost Customizations

Request Advisory Support (return to top)

  • Description: Schedule a thirty-minute meeting with a Numerator team member to get advice on sample definition, questionnaire flow, question design, or results interpretation.

  • Cost: Currently complimentary

  • How to Request: Book through the In-Platform Chat

Custom Crosstabs and Stat Testing (return to top)

  • Description: Request custom data cuts and stat testing for your survey results

  • How to Request: Send a note to You will be asked which data cuts you would like to have included and an estimated timeline for delivery.

  • Cost: 0.5 Survey Credits

  • Impact to Delivery: There is no impact on when the survey results will be available in the platform. Expect 2-3 business days to receive crosstabs report.

Translation (Canada Only) (return to top)

  • Description: Canadian panelists set their primary language (English or French) in the Receipt Hog app. For surveys to be received by panelists whose primary language is French, the outgoing questionnaire must be sent to a third party to be translated and loaded in French. Without translation, only those panelists who indicate English is their primary language will receive the survey. Note: Open end responses given by respondents in French are NOT translated back to English.

  • Cost: 0.5-1 Survey Credit depending on survey length.

  • How to Request: Send a note to when programming is complete, but before hitting Launch.

  • Impact to Delivery: Typically takes 1 additional business day to launch.

Last Updated 12/2/2024

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