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Insights Updates - Q1 2024
Insights Updates - Q1 2024
Molly McDermott avatar
Written by Molly McDermott
Updated over 8 months ago

YoY Change Calculation in Data Explorer Report - 3/29/24

Year-over-Year change calculations are now available as an advanced option in Data Explorer! You can include a change calculation in your report to show % or Absolute Change, depending on the metric(s) selected. This calculation is dependent on the “Year Ago or Prior Period” advanced option, allowing you to calculate change between time frames, based on your selection.

To learn more, please visit About the Data Explorer Report.

Improved Report Navigation - 3/15/24

We've made improvements to make finding the Insights reports you need easier.

There is now a new ‘All Reports’ view with all the Insights reports that you have access to. This will make finding the reports you need easier and more natural by exploring the reports in one place without additional navigation.

The addition of the ‘All Reports’ view allows you to search for reports by metric. If you want to see reports with the metric ‘Buy Rate’, simply type Buy Rate into the report search bar to see all the reports that include that metric.

INSTANT SURVEY: Dynamically Change Sample Size - 3/6/24

You can now adjust sample sizes directly in the platform from the base level of 200 completes, with credit cost dynamically updating based on your selected number of completes.

To adjust your sample size, simply toggle the + and - buttons on the sample selection card.

To learn more about these updates, please visit our Instant Survey: How to Launch and Instant Surveys: Creating a Survey Question articles.

TruView Explorer Updates - 2/16/24

Share of Spend and Share of Units are now available as metrics in TruView Explorer! You can include these metrics in your report to show share % in addition to, or in place of, raw projected spend/units.

To learn more, please visit About the TruView Explorer Report.

Dashboards Updates - 2/8/24

We have made two notable updates to Numerator Dashboards.

Saved filter selections:

Your previous selections in the dashboards will now be automatically stored. When you log into the dashboard, you will be able to jump into where you last left off with your dashboard filters. To update your dashboard back to the default selections, simply click on the filter icon located at the top right of the dashboard.

Demographics tab updates:

You will now be able to analyze demographic data by various retailers. Simply use the new dropdown to filter your dashboard results to a specific retailer, giving you more targeted and relevant information for retailer-specific conversations.

To learn more, please visit About Insights Dashboards.

Walmart+ in Insights - 1/18/24

Building on Amazon Prime membership data that is already available, today we launch verified Walmart+ membership data in Insights to provide brands and retailers an up-to-date and verified view of membership subscriptions at the nation's top retailers.

Leveraging our Link technology, we are able to capture the status of Walmart+ membership on a near real-time basis and classify our Walmart connected panelists into three unique segments:

  • Current Walmart+ members

  • Lapsed Walmart+ members

  • Never a Walmart+ member

Walmart+ membership data will be available to all users via:

  • Advanced Shopper Profile Report

  • People Group Builder

  • Reports that have Demographic Attributes in the [Any Level] prompt

For more detailed information, visit the Subscription Membership Methodology article.

INSTANT SURVEY: Duplicating an Instant Survey Question - 1/18/24

You can now duplicate a recommended or custom question when building your questionnaire. This is useful when:

  • You want to modify a pre-written recommended question

  • You want to create an additional question with the same answer options as a previously created one

To learn more about these updates, please visit our Instant Surveys: Creating a Survey Question article.

INSTANT SURVEY: Short Survey Pricing and Adding Images to Instant Survey - 1/5/24

We have two exciting updates for Instant Surveys to kick off the New Year! You can now launch a Short Survey (up to 5 questions) for just 1 credit or stick with a Standard Survey (6-15 questions) for 2 credits.

Additionally, you can now enhance your surveys by adding images to survey questions or answer options, providing additional context to a question.

To learn more about these updates, please visit our About Survey Credits and Instant Surveys: Creating a Survey Question articles.

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