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About the Trended Metrics Scorecard Report
About the Trended Metrics Scorecard Report

Trend various panel metrics in a single view across a combination of attributes.

Written by Education Team
Updated over a week ago

For a detailed walkthrough of Trended Metrics Scorecard and its use cases, head to our Numerator University course.

Business Questions Answered

  • How do key metrics compare across my competition?

  • How do key metrics compare across different time periods?

  • How do key metrics compare by demographic breaks?

  • How do key metrics for my brand compare across retailers/channels?

  • What are the key panel metrics for my brand trended over time and broken out by channel, retailer, age generation and income level?

Quick Tips: Prompting Trended Metrics Scorecard Report

Report Analysis Highlights

How to Interpret

The Trended Metrics Scorecard lets you trend various panel metrics across a combination of attributes. You can look at the intersection of time periods against any combination of product, store, demographic or geographic attributes.

Depending on the parameters you set in the prompts, you can trend metrics chosen across the time period selected. This allows you to understand increases or decreases in penetration, buy rate, share of wallet and more.

Key Metrics Included

Core Metrics

  • % Household Penetration: the percent of total US or Canadian (CA) households that match your selected criteria

  • % Relative Penetration: the percent of the specified People Group that matches your selected criteria. This metric is recommended when the People Group of interest is defined by demographic, geographic, or psychographic attribute.

  • % of Shopper Group (Observed): the percent of a particular People Group that matches your selected criteria. This metric is recommended when the People Group of interest is defined by purchase behavior.

    Visit About Penetration Metrics in Insights to learn more about the differences between Household Penetration, % Relative Penetration, and % Shopper Group (Observed).

  • Buy Rate – Average dollars spent per Household over the time period analyzed

  • Purchase Frequency – Number of times a Household buys the product (category, segment, brand, etc.) during the selected time period

  • Spend Per Trip – The average dollars spent on the selected criteria, divided by the number of trips

  • Units per Trip – The average number of units purchased per trip

  • Spend per Unit – The average dollars spent per unit of product purchased

  • % Repeat Buyers - Of those who purchased product during time period, the percent that bought more than once

  • Purchase Cycle in Days – The number of days between purchases (trips), specifically among repeat buyers

  • Basket Size $ spent on baskets that include the selected criteria

  • Category Purchase Frequency Number of times a Household buys the product (category, segment, brand, etc.) during the selected time period

  • Category Buy Rate Average dollars spent per Household on the specified category over the time period analyzed

Loyalty Metrics

  • Share of Category Req. (Spend)– % of dollars the average HH spends on the selected criteria vs. other "like" products, calculated as ($ Spent on a Brand among Brand Buyers) / ($ Spent on Category among Brand Buyers)

  • Share of Category Req. (Units) – % of units the average HH purchases of the selected criteria vs. other "like" products, calculated as (Units purchased of a Brand among Brand Buyers) / (Units purchased of Category among Brand Buyers)

Projected Metrics

  • Projected Sales – Projected Dollars spent based on the selected criteria calculated as [Buy Rate] *[Household Penetration] * [Total Number of US Households]

  • Projected Basket Sales – Projected dollars spent on the basket that contains the selected criteria

  • Projected Units – Projected Units purchased based on the selected criteria

  • Projected Trips – Projected Trips made based on the selected criteria

  • Projected Households – Projected Households based on the selected criteria

Share of Total Metrics

  • % of Spend – Share of spend across the elements of the demographic attribute selected

  • % of Households – Share of households across the elements of the demographic attribute selected

  • % of Trips – Share of trips across the elements of the demographic attribute selected

Time Interval Breakout

  • Rolling (n = 52, 26) Weeks by Quarter – Calculates time intervals based on the previous n weeks from the end date of each quarter.

  • Rolling (n = 52, 26, 13) Weeks by Month – A n week rolling period is based on the previous n weeks from the end date of a month.

  • Rolling (n = 52, 26, 13, 4) Weeks by Week – A n week rolling period is based on the previous n weeks from the first day of a week (Sun).

  • Rolling 12 Months by Year – A 12-month rolling period is based on the previous 12 months from the last day of a year.

  • Rolling 12 Months by Quarter – A 12-month rolling period is based on the previous 12 months from the last day of a quarter.

  • Rolling 12 Months by Month – A 12-month rolling period is based on the previous 12 months from the last day of a month.

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Last Updated 02/15/2024

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